How Can I Hurt Me? Let Me Count The Ways…

How Can I Hurt Me? Let Me Count The Ways…

How can I hurt me? Let me count the ways.
I hurt me to the depth and breadth and height
My hoop can reach, before reaching for arnica
and Bandages of Ace and Epsom’s salts.
I hurt me to the level of every hoop’s
height and weight, by gaffer burn and metal-scrape.
I hurt me freely, as I have band-aids;
I hurt me joyfully, and reach for magnesium.
I hurt me with a passion I used to avoid
Smiling from split lips with childhood abandon.
I hurt me with the courage I seemed to lose
With the years and with the fears, — I hurt me with all the breath,
Smiles, and tears of all my life! — and, if God so choose,
I shall but hurt me, and hoop me, more and better after death.


  1. Cora Schiller

    ~ so- so talented !!! ~ happy summerjoyjoy

  2. Carol Turner

    Truly resonates with me Right Now!!! You rock Caroleena! <3

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